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saint gillessaint gilles churchsaint gillessaint gillesvauvertvauvert


saint gilles abbey

Abbey of Saint Gilles (XIIth)

Saint Gilles

Saint-Gilles is the last city of the Regordane, the road crossing the Massif Central mounts and the Cevennes hills. Today at the edge of the Camargue, Saint-Gilles was formerly a port used by the merchants, the pilgrims and the crusaders.
The county of Saint-Gilles was a long time a possession of the counts of Toulouse, it have an important role at the time of the Christian crusades and French ones against the cathars.


vauvert Lane of Vauvert

The city of Vauvert was famous in the Middle Ages, called Posquières at that time, it was the seat of one of the most important places of pilgrimage of France: the church of Notre Dame of the green Valley in the small valley "Vallis viridis".
Saint-Louis stopped there while going to Aigues-Mortes embarking for the crusade. The Jewish community of Vauvert was important. Reached by Protestantism, the city undergoes the wars of religion. The church and its dependences were destroyed. The Protestants meet in two temples.





Aigues-Mortes - Arles - Beaucaire-Tarascon - Béziers - Camargue - Carcassonne - Grande Motte - Grau du Roi - Lézignan - Languedoc Parc - Millau - Minerve - Minervois - Montpellier - Narbone - Nîmes - Olargues - Pont du Gard bridge - Salagou - Saint Guilhem le désert - Saint Gilles - Saintes-Maries - Sète

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