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Hotels in Paris


Church La Madeleine


church madeleine in parisla madeleine


la madeleine

Church La Madeleine

The church of the Madeleine is located on the place of the same name in VIIIth district of Paris. It constitutes a perfect illustration of the neo-classic architectural style. On its site, there was a vault then an old church dedicated to Sainte Marie-madeleine, Sainte Marthe and Saint Lazare, built at the end of the XVth century, becoming too small and given up in XVIIIth.
The project of a new church was approved in 1764, its construction lasted 85 years because of the political changes in France which modify several times the destination and the plans. Napoleon Ist wanted to make it a temple to the glory of its Great Army in 1806. The building failed to become in 1837 the first railway station of Paris, before becoming a church in 1845.




Eiffel tower - Champs Elysés - Bridges of Paris - Cathedral Notre-Dame - Ile de la cité - Pigalle district - Madeleine church - Montmatre district - Sacré coeur - Opera Garnier- Parliament - Concorde place - Louvre - Pantheon - Parks - Tuileries park - La Défense
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